Sex and Vitamins

How to Have a Better Sex Life Through Nutrition

Most people know that a good sex life has endless physical and psychological health benefits, including a stronger immune system, better breathing and circulation and healthier skin. A good sex life can also relieve chronic pain and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. But did you know that better nutrition can help you have that good sex life? Read on for an overview about some vitamins that can help you lead a better sex life as well as increase your overall health. Keep in mind that as much as possible, your vitamin supply should come from the food and drink you consume, rather than vitamin supplements.

Sex and Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for normal reproduction, and a deficiency of Vitamin A has been shown to cause atrophy of the testicles and ovaries in male and female rats, leading to sterlization. A deficiency in vitamin A is also thought to result in a decreased production of sex hormones as well as dry, scaly skin (it is needed for soft and beautiful skin). Some good sources of vitamin A are fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables and yellow fruit.

Sex and Vitamin B-1: Vitamin B-1 is essential to energy production and the metobolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, so a deficiency of vitamin B-1 can lead to decreased energy and reduced sex drive. More symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, decreased alertness, constipation and heart symptoms (like rapid heartbeat). Some good sources of vitamin B-1 are nuts, asparagus, beans, pineapple, whole wheat, brown rice and other whole grains.

Sex and Vitamin B-3: Deficiency of vitamin B-3, also called niacin, can lead to skin eruptions, bowel problems and even mental problems. Sex life is impacted by the presence of vitamin B-3 because it increases blood flow to the extremities, including the brain. Problems with the nerve and digestive systems caused by vitamin B-3 deficiency can negatively affect your sex life. Some good sources of vitamin B-3 are lean meat, chicken, fish, broccoli and yogurt


Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t. But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. I asked Dr. Bowden, author of “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts. Here’s his advice.

Beets: Think of beets as red spinach, Dr. Bowden said, because they are a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters.
How to eat: Fresh, raw and grated to make a salad. Heating decreases the antioxidant power.

Cabbage: Loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane, a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes.
How to eat: Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.

Swiss chard: A leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes.
How to eat it: Chop and saute in olive oil.

Cinnamon: May help control blood sugar and cholesterol.
How to eat it: Sprinkle on coffee or oatmeal.

Pomegranate juice: Appears to lower blood pressure and loaded with antioxidants.
How to eat: Just drink it.

Dried plums: Okay, so they are really prunes, but they are packed with antioxidants.
How to eat: Wrapped in prosciutto and baked.

Pumpkin seeds: The most nutritious part of the pumpkin and packed with magnesium; high levels of the mineral are associated with lower risk for early death.
How to eat: Roasted as a snack, or sprinkled on salad.

Sardines: Dr. Bowden calls them “health food in a can.” They are high in omega-3’s, contain virtually no mercury and are loaded with calcium. They also contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese as well as a full complement of B vitamins.
How to eat : Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.

Turmeric: The “superstar of spices,” it may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerproperties
How to eat : Mix with scrambled eggs or in any vegetable dish.

Frozen blueberries: Even though freezing can degrade some of the nutrients in fruits and vegetables, frozen blueberries are available year-round and don’t spoil; associated with better memory in animal studies.
How to eat: Blended with yogurt or chocolate soy milk and sprinkled with crushed almonds.

Canned pumpkin: A low-calorie vegetable that is high in fiber and immune-stimulating vitamin A; fills you up on very few calories.
How to eat: Mix with a little butter, cinnamon and nutmeg.

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